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Wellington Primary School & Nursery

Contact Us

Wellington Primary School


Telephone number : 01432 830264

Email address :  admin@wellington.hereford.sch.uk 

Opening hours are between 8:30am and 3:15pm with provision for before and after schools clubs. Please enquire at the office about these.

Our office staff, Mrs Pennington will be happy to address any enquiries you may have.

Our SENCo is Mrs Priday and she can be contacted on: 01432830264

Head of School

Mr Warren Hollingsworth

Head of EYFS and KS1

Miss Kayleigh Evans

CEO - Ms Tracey A Kneale CBE (All letters should be addressed to the Executive Headteacher)

Executive Head teacher: 

Miss Emma Blankley

Both based at Marlbrook Primary School
