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Wellington Primary School & Nursery

Student and Family Support Team

Welcome to the Student and Family Support Team

Life can be confusing and troubling at times for children, as well as parents and extended family.  This in turn can affect how children learn and behave in school.  Sometimes it helps to have someone you can trust to talk to, someone who will support and listen to you and help you to work things out.  That's what we hope we can offer the pupils and families who attend Wellington Primary School, as well as lots of fun, laughter and play!

We strive to find ways to engage all our pupils, building trust and better communication between school and familes.  We hope you will find us friendly and approachable so that if you are worried about your child or a difficult situation in your family you can contact us for support.

If you have any questions we would be happy to meet you at school or ring on 01432 830264.

The student and family support team:

If you are looking for some online parenting advice 'Parent Info' provides up to date, expert information for parents on a range of concerns they may have about children and young people.

Parent Info’s content can be adapted for use in a variety of ways including: as advice for parents and carers; to explain the PSHE curriculum; or as a pointer to policies or guide to parents if issues arise.

Parents can find out more about and sign up to Parent Info at www.parentinfo.org.

family support to go onto safs page.pdf