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Wellington Primary School & Nursery


Admissions into our Reception classes and transfers from other schools are organised by the Education Authority Admissions department. You can access their website by clicking here.

Please see the following link for information regarding Reception class admissions. Please note the deadline for all applications is January 15th 2025.

Admission to a Primary Reception class for September 2025

Please call into school if you have any concerns about admissions – we will try to help.

In the event that our classes are over subscribed, the following ‘priority’ criteria will apply :

  1. Those with special educational needs
  2. Children looked after by Social Services
  3. Those living within the area
  4. Those who already have siblings in our school
  5. Medical, social or compassionate reasons
  6. Other applications


School admission appeals timetable September 2025 entry

Allocation day for primary schools is 16 April 2025.

The deadline for lodging appeals for primary schools is midnight on 27 May 2025.

Appeals lodged after this date will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date. Most school appeals will be heard before the school summer holidays for children starting primary or secondary schools where possible.