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Wellington Primary School & Nursery

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-up Premium

Wellington Primary school received a catch-up premium grant from the government in the academic year 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.

The Government recognises that children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds are among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education is substantial, and we need to ensure that children and young people recover and get back on track. Returning to normal educational routines as quickly as possible is critical to our school recovery nationally.



Leominster Primary School

COVID catch up funding

Leominster Primary School school-led tutoring

Wellington Primary School COVID catch up funding

Wellington Primary School school-led tutoring

Autumn 20





Spring 21





Summer 21











Autumn 21





Spring 22





Summer 22










Use of funds
We will use this funding for specific activities to support our pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months. Our plan is outlined below.



 ·        To ensure that our children return to normal educational routines as quickly as possible, are supported by high quality teaching to recover and get back on track with their learning.


·        To use the Catch Up Premium flexibly for specific activities to support our children to catch up for lost teaching, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year


·        To ensure that our disadvantaged and vulnerable groups receive targeted support to catch up, in line with the evidence based approaches published by the Education Endowment Foundation in their support guide for schools


·        To provide a sustained response to the coronavirus pandemic and a longer-term contribution to closing the attainment gap.


·        To ensure our disadvantaged and vulnerable groups have regular attendance at school. Recruit a new HSLO.


·        To implement strategies to support mental health and well being


 ·        All pupils (particularly disadvantaged, SEND and vulnerable pupils) have received the catch-up support needed to make substantial progress by the end of the academic year as measured by termly and end of year assessments.

·        Learning walks and the scrutiny of pupil’s books confirms quality classroom teaching is taking place, which has the greatest positive impact for all pupils and in particular disadvantaged pupils.

·        Broad and balanced curriculum resumed from Autumn 2020, but amended as a result of 2nd lockdown. Planning adjustments made to incorporate ‘catch-up’ of skills from March 2021

·        Full return to the school’s normal curriculum in all subjects by Autumn term 2021.

·        All pupils are in line with national figures for attendance

·        To improve mental health and well being of all our pupils and demonstrate decreased anxiety and increased well being


Assess and Review

·        Set aside time to enable teachers to assess pupils’ wellbeing and learning needs. Identify pupils who need ELSA. Recruit and train  support staff (2 LPS, 1 WPS), monitor.


·        Complete subject-specific assessments (such as the assessments we use for phonics and Ready to progress in Maths) to identify particular areas where pupils have forgotten or misunderstood key concepts, to ensure that new material being covered builds on secure  foundations.


·        Use standardised assessments in English /Maths to identify pupils who would benefit from additional catch-up support.


·        Ensure staff make effective use of regular formative assessment.


·        Ensure that this years’ curriculum planning uses assessment of pupils’ starting points in each subject and addresses the gaps in their knowledge and skills.  


·        Review how all subjects can contribute to the filling of gaps in core knowledge, for example through an emphasis on reading(phonics and comprehension) and Maths (Identifying Ready to progress criteria)


·        Working party to ensure an application to provide effective high-quality provision for  remote learning. Purchase Purple Mash and train staff. Monitor use and contact parents of pupils not engaging.


·        Review outdoor areas and ensure they are being utilized by pupils to support mental health and well-being.


·       Modify curriculum delivery initially to create time to cover the most important missed content from the summer term



·        Maths – Introduce Ready to progress criteria to identify the skills and knowledge needed for children to be successful mathematicians at each stage and to be equipped for the next stage. CPD for all staff in the Summer Term. Staff to complete assessment to identify areas so new class teachers can prioritise curriculum.


·        Utilise CEV teaching and support staff. Offer tutoring to pupils to address gaps in Maths and reading comprehension by providing remote teaching from CEV teaching staff working from home. Identify year 6 GD pupils (offer after school and in school-based tutoring.) Year 5 pupils identified for in school-based tutoring for reading 1:1 and comprehension, Maths to address gaps in learning. Small group and 1:1 Interventions offered by CEV support staff, speech and language, Talk boost, phonics, reading and Maths.


Autumn 2021

·        Teachers and SMT will exercise their professional judgement to determine which pupils are in most need of support. Although this is likely to include many disadvantaged children and those from vulnerable groups, it is not exclusive to only those children.


·        SMT to share catch up plans via school website


·        Provide all children with high-quality feedback, building on accurate assessment.


·        Restructure SEN support staff to offer identified interventions and support (Speech and language, Talk boost, Early phonics, EAL, behaviour ELSA, PP mentors)


·        Set up effective, structured interventions to ensure that support is well-targeted and SENCos to monitor pupil progress.


 Interventions delivered one to one / in small groups led by TAs, teachers and outside agency (LPS - Coach Bright for school-led tutoring) Focus on Maths and reading comprehension. Programme to help pupils in KS2 to improve their attainment, confidence and independence. To also focus on building resilience, and produce confident learners. Coaching principles of growth mindset and meta cognition.





·        A particular focus for interventions in English and Maths. Programmes will have the greatest impact where they meet a specific need, such as oral language skills or aspects of reading, include regular sessions maintained over a sustained period and carefully timetabled to enable consistent delivery.


·        Interventions will also focus on other aspects of learning, such as children’s anxiety, mental health and social and emotional needs.


·        Introduce whole school approach – emotion Coaching which is a therapeutic approach to help support children with emotional and social development.  


·        Interventions may focus on particular groups of pupils with identified special educational needs or disabilities in different year groups or classes.


·        Introduce interventions to support Early language acquisition. NELI programme in Early Years (WPS / LPS). A member of WPS staff has been trained in the delivery of NELI. We will also purchase additional resources to support the delivery of the NELI programme). Training to be arranged for LPS staff member



·        Interventions at LPS to develop early language acquisition - Talk boost to be delivered to Early years. Early talk for nursery. Staff member trained and resources purchased.



·        Headteachers, Deputy Heads, Head of School and business manager account for expenditure through regular reports to Governors.


·        Assessments - Monitored by subject coordinators, Assistant Heads, EYFS Head, Head of year












·        Curriculum planning monitored by subject coordinators, Assistant Heads, EYFS Head, Head of year








·        Reviews by subject coordinators, Assistant Heads, EYFS Head, Head of year








·        Remote learning monitored by Deputy Heads, Head of School, Safeguarding manager and Assistant Heads.



·       Monitoring of interventions and  programmes by SENCos through data reviews, book scrutinys, observations, engagement with parents, pupils and specialist support.



·        Headteachers and Assistant Heads to monitor teaching in Maths and English across both schools in line with new approaches.


·        Interventions delivered by CEV staff monitored by Assistant Heads, Head of EYFS and Head of School


·        Monitoring of interventions and programmes by SENCos through data reviews, book scrutiny’s, observations, engagement with parents, pupils and specialist support.





































(NELI is a high-quality, evidence-based, 20-week intervention designed to improve the language skills of reception age pupils. It involves scripted individual and small group language teaching sessions, delivered by trained school staff, usually teaching assistants. Several EEF trials have found that NELI improves both children’s oral language and early literacy skills. A recent trial of the programme found that children made on average three months of additional progress compared to children in the comparison group.)




Targeted expenditure: Cost

Targeted expenditure:

·        Additional Student Support for mental wellbeing: £


·        Additional literacy resources allocated: £


·         Additional Maths resources £


·        Additional PSHE/Wellbeing resources: £


·        Additional outdoor equipment for LPS/WPS to improve gross motor skills and develop the outdoor area £


·        School led interventions by CEV staff


·        School-led tutoring Programme – Delivery 60 hours training at WPS (Government funded – £810 and £270 school) 60 hours at LPS external agency Coach Bright – (Government funded 75% , £90 per pupil cost to £300 per pupil LPS. Total cost to LPS - £2,160)

Appointing support staff, SENCO, ELSA resources,

Emotion coaching CPD


Write stuff resources, Early talk, Neli / Talk Boost


Training for Ready to to Progress, REKENREKS (110)


Mental Health first aid course for 2 staff members (January and February), resources

Trim trail (LPS) Improvements to Forrest school (WPS), Forrest school staff members, resources


CEV support staff


Staff members to deliver tutoring.

Support staff to support delivery when tutor is working remotely